Quantum Policies


The methodologies deployed by Quantum Commodity Intelligence are designed to provide fair market value in all the markets it assesses...read the entire methodology or as PDF

Carbon Methodology

Specification and assessment guide for the voluntary carbon market...read as PDF

Assessment Factsheet

The specifications of our price assessments in one document...read the assessment factsheet

Corrections Policy

Quantum may publish corrections to price assessments after the publication date, typically to correct errors that may arise from wrong data entry, erroneous calculation of market data, misreported information or the incorrect application of the methodology...read the entire policy

Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics represents the principles in which we conduct our business. Our core values are integrity, accuracy, independence and transparency...read the entire code of ethics

Feedback and Complaints Policy

Quantum Commodity Intelligence works to the highest standards in providing news, pricing and analysis across the commodities sector. We encourage all types of feedback, including suggestions, requests or should the need arise, complaints...read the entire policy

Modern Slavery Statement

This statement from Quantum Commodity Intelligence has been prepared in line with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. It is intended to show the ways in which the company works to prevent the use of human trafficking and modern slavery in our business and among our suppliers...read the entire statement

Terms of Use

Terms and conditions that govern the use of our website...read the terms of use

Cookie Policy

Cookies used on our website...read the entire policy