Gasoil-Diesel Price Assessments

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Gasoil (10ppm) FOB Singapore $/b
Gasoil (10ppm) FOB Singapore Cash Diff $/b
Gasoil (50ppm) FOB Singapore $/b
Gasoil (500ppm) FOB Singapore $/b
Gasoil (500ppm) FOB Singapore Cash Diff $/b
Gasoil (0.25% sulfur) FOB Singapore $/b
Gasoil (0.25% sulfur) FOB Singapore Cash diff $/b
Gasoil (10ppm) FOB Middle East $/b
Gasoil (50ppm) FOB Middle East $/b
Gasoil 500ppm FOB Middle East $/b
Gasoil (0.25% sulfur) FOB Middle East $/b
ULSD FOB Barge ARA $/mt
ULSD Cargo CIF NWE $/mt
ULSD Cargo FOB NWE $/mt
ULSD Cargo CIF Med $/mt
ULSD Cargo FOB Med $/mt
Gasoil 50ppm FOB Barge ARA $/mt
Gasoil 1000ppm FOB Barge ARA $/mt
Gasoil 1000ppm CIF NWE $/mt
Gasoil 1000ppm FOB NWE $/mt
Gasoil 1000ppm CIF Med $/mt
Gasoil 1000ppm FOB Med $/mt
London low sulfur gasoil futures marker 1630 London $/mt
Low sulfur gasoil futures calendar month marker 1630 London $/mt
Key Arb SpreadsBalmoFebMar
Diesel EFS $/mt
ULSD transatlantic HO-GO spread $/gal
Diesel physical EFS $/mt